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Drug Diversion

Criminal Charges Are Possible If Prescriptions Are Not Written Correctly

Controlled substances and prescription drugs may only be dispensed lawfully by means of a prescription if that prescription is issued for a legitimate medical purpose by an individual practitioner acting in the usual course of his or her professional practice. 21 C.F.R. § 1306.04(a). If a medical care provider violates this law and issues medication outside of accepted medical standards, he/she may be charged with violating federal drug laws pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 841, and said provider faces the same punishment as any traditional “drug dealer” would.

More recently, the Department of Justice has increased scrutiny of doctors and owners of pain management facilities. These medical clinics, sometimes referred to as “pill mills,” are being charged at a rapid rate for dispensing medically unnecessary pain pills. Geographically, much of the Government’s focus has been on the alleged “pill pipeline” in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky.

Make An Appointment Today

If you are a medical professional who is being charged with or investigated for writing a prescription in a manner not allowed by state or federal laws, please contact the criminal defense lawyers at Easter & DeVore, Attorneys at Law, today at 865-566-0125 or send us an email. Free initial telephone consultations are available and we accept credit cards.